
Cashless Payment System
Resource Management
and Cost Recovery
Access Control and Security
Enterprise Portal


Time Attendance Management

PC Management System

Web & Management Portal Service

Visitor Management and Monitoring

Visitor Management and Monitoring

The Visitor Management System (ViSys) controls the access to any organization. Only the authorized members can access to the organization as PBS requires authentication to be done using the My Kad or contactless card before anyone can enter the organization. ViSyS is a Windows based solution integrated with the Web and Service Management Portal.

For non staff, a visitor registration menu allows the staff to capture details of the non-staff through MyKad. Information will be automatically transferred to the system for recording and analysis.

ViSyS also allows the organization to track the record of the visitors attending the organization for analysis. A real time report enables the staff to determine how many people currently in the organization and various web reports available in the Web Portal to enable the organization to analyze statistical information related to the visitors.

PC Management System